
TWO TRUE wins Sydney Hobart Race

A modest little boat Two True claimed the victory of the famous race this year. The way they did it would be a good screenplay material, though. Suspense, anxiety, heated arguments - all was there. Click on the picture to read the story.



New Zealand's
Weta Digital's newest baby seems to be doing fine in its opening week. It has already made its budget back and now starts earning money for the sequel.

With 4 Golden Globes nominations and 8 to 9 rumoured Academy Award nominations (Oscars) it may do quite well in the Hollywood award season.

Let me know what you thought
of it ;-)

[Jan 6 update]



[Jan 7 update]

Well, the above is no longer valid... ;-)
On Wednesday night, 20th Century Fox’s Avatar became the second-highest grossing film ever at the worldwide box office. James Cameron’s 3D epic achieved the spot with $1.13 billion in just 20 days, placing behind his own Titanic ($1.84B) in the rankings and passing Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest ($1.07B) and The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King ($1.12B). That could buy a lot of unobtanium…
The feat was inevitable after Avatar flew past the billion dollar
mark in 17 days and finally debuted in China on Monday to the highest opening day sales the country has ever seen (about $4.8 million). The U.S. total has climbed to $374.4 million.

[Jan 11 update]



[Jan 15 update]

[Jan 18 update]



And guess who won Golden Globes for Best Film and Best Director last night ;-)

[Jan 25 update]

Maybe the last time we get to see this order ;-)

[Jan 26 - Australia Day update]

It had to happen and I'm happy it happened today ;-)

[Feb 2 update]

LOL, I'm good! :-D
As I predicted Avatar landed 9 Oscar nominations:

Best Picture
Best Director
Best Art Direction
Best Cinematography
Best Film Editing
Best Music (original score)
Best Sound Editing
Best Sound Mixing
Best Visual Effects

Oh, and did I mention the film has earned over 2 billion now?

Original 2007 screenplay (.pdf)
(A must read for all who wanted more character development and a more complex plot. It's all here in the original script. :-) )

One more clip: the essence of performance capture - this is really what the whole ado is about ;-)


2009 Rolex Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race

Boxing Day has a special meaning for all interested in sailing.

The Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race is an icon of Australia’s summer sport, ranking in popularity with other national events such as the Davis Cup tennis and the Melbourne Cup horse race.

No yearly yachting event in the world attracts such huge media coverage as this race. The race starts on Boxing Day in Sydney, NSW and finishes in Hobart, Tasmania. The course covers a distance of 628 nautical miles from Sydney Harbour to the east coast of Australia, Bass Strait, the Tasmanian east coast, Storm Bay, Derwent River and finally Battery Point in Hobart, Tasmania.

The race has been hosted by the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia since its beginning in 1945 and is run in cooperation with the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania.

The public and media often focus a lot of attention on which yacht wins Line Honours. It's easy to understand why, because that's the first yacht to cross the finishing line. However, that is often not the Overall Winner. The exact rules to select the Overall Winner have changed over the years. Basically, it's a handicap race where a yacht's finish time is adjusted based on several factors set down in the prevailing rules. In other words, the fastest boat is often not the Overall Winner.


Go here to watch the start.

Click on the picture to get some first-hand news about this year's race.


Merry Christmas :-)

A quickie to start the festive season:

Spicks and Specks Xmas Special 1
Spicks and Specks Xmas Special 2
Spicks and Specks Xmas Special 3
Spicks and Specks Xmas Special 4
Spicks and Specks Xmas Special 5
Spicks and Specks Xmas Special 6

Christmas in the southern hemisphere

The heat of early summer in Australia has an impact on the way that Australians celebrate Christmas and on which northern hemisphere Christmas traditions are followed.

In the weeks leading up to Christmas houses are decorated; greetings cards sent out; carols sung; Christmas trees installed in homes, schools and public places; and children delight in anticipating a visit from Santa Claus. On Christmas Day family and friends gather to exchange gifts and enjoy special Christmas food.

Many Australians spend Christmas out of doors, going to the beach for the day, or heading to camping grounds for a longer break over the Christmas holiday period. It has become traditional for international visitors who are in Sydney at Christmas time to go to Bondi Beach where up to 40,000 people visit on Christmas Day.


Christmas in Australia comes at the beginning of summer and many people no longer serve a traditional hot roast dinner. Cold turkey and ham, seafood and salads are often served instead. It has even become acceptable to serve the traditional Christmas plum pudding with cold custard, ice cream or cream. Pavlova, a meringue base topped with whipped cream and fresh fruit, and various versions of the festive ice-cream pudding have also become popular Christmas desserts.

Go here to read a detailed recipe for Pavlova.

For the lazy ones - click on the picture to watch how to make a perfect Pavlova ;-)

Aussie Christmas songs are... ehem, somewhat atypical ;-)

Thanks to the mysterious poster who provided the following link in the comments to the previous note. Well done mate! :-) Let me know your name because your team is going to score some bonus points for finding something that mentions Holden ;-)

Jingle Bells Aussie Style

Here is a twist on a well known Christmas song - Let it Snow

And finally something I probably shouldn't post at all... ;-)

I admit - I do have a soft spot for these guys. Their humour is not very subtle but very, very Australian ;-)

Brace yourself for the Scared Weird Little Guys and their unique Christmas Day Song!
(remeber that I warned you! ;-) )


The letter "H"

Just three topic this time, because one is bound to take us a lot of time ;-)

1. Hobart (watch the beginning of the clip)

2. High Culture (you can also watch the above clip - about 22 minute mark)


3. Humour:
- gallows humour
- anti-authoritarian
- self-depreciating

I LOVE this article! Have fun!


Tuesday topics - the letter "G"

This time I'm taking the back seat and simply enjoy your creativeness :-)

The main motif of this class will be GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY OF AUSTRALIA. As you remember we'll concentrate on four topics and each team will have up to 10 minutes to give their presentation. Three topic have been taken, which means that the Eagles are left with "Gold Rush". ;-)

(48 points)

(79 points)

(60 points)

(72 points)

I will soon add some links that you may find useful. If you want me to put something up on the website just let me know (email me the links / pictures / sound clips etc.)

GOOD LUCK and have fun! :-)

Australian Screen
Gold Rush
Great Barrier Reef
Great Dividing Range

Several updates

Just a couple of things I promised you earlier.

1. Tasmanian Tiger - the End of Extinction

You can watch the episode by clicking the picture

(Six videos are set in a playlist)

2. More comedy

Another clip with Tim Minchin and Andrew Denton. This time Tim sings a rather, well... secular Christmas song. As you remember Aussies are not very open about their beliefs, but this song is heartwarming nonetheless.

(click on the picture)


The letter "F"

"At the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve 1900, as the clock ticked into 1901 and the 20th century, whistles, gongs, church bells, rattles, pots, pans, accordions and all manner of noise-makers joined the sirens of boats on Sydney Harbour.

It was to be a special day"

Do you know what special day it was? No? Then go here to find out :-)

Let's hear more form the historians because it will lead us to other topics.

"Just after that midnight, a storm broke and winds gusting up to 50 miles an hour swept into Sydney. Forty points of rain drenched the harbour city.

But the New Year’s Day morning of 1901 broke clear and fine, and an eight-kilometre procession headed out to Centennial Park, just beyond Paddington, where the federation rites, uniting the erstwhile separate British colonies into one federal Commonwealth, finally took place."

Australian weather has never been easy on the settlers. Southern regions suffer from severe fires, while the North often faces tropical cyclones and floods.

Click the picture above to watch a heartbreaking account of Black Saturday - the 2009 Victorian Bushfires.

Click the picture below to learn more about the 2009 Queensland Flood.

You will find more information about floods clicking on the little poor fellow below.

We touched upon the topic of the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia very briefly last week. This time we'll have a closer look at their work and importance for communities living in distant, remote areas of Australia.

(click on the picture)


The letter "E" (part 2)

1. Let's start off this week with European discovery and colonisation. We have already talked about it a little, but this time please concentrate on non English explorers. Click the map to get some information (nationalities only). Go here to see the chronology of landings, and here to see a cute animation.

2. Our second topic is a little tricky - excavation. But we will not be talking about gold - not just yet! ;-)

In fact what we are going to discuss is Australia's fossil past. Click on the picture to read some fascinating facts.

3. And finally a few words about (long distance) education. Here you can read about The School of the Air.

Darryl Cooper has taught at the Mount Isa School of the Air in Queensland for 18 years. He describes his experiences teaching children in remote Australia via satellite telephone (click on the picture to go to the article).


The letter "E" (part 1)

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

But now it's time to get back to work ;-)

Fear not, though! This week we have a set of rather argeeable topics:

1. Entertainment.

Oh well, we are just going to scratch the tip of an iceberg... Frankly we could spend hours on end talking about the nature of comedy and entertainment in Australia. And we will inevitably come back to this topic in the future.

This time round, I'm going to introduce you to three of my favourite Aussie comedians and TV personalities.


Andrew is best known as the host of a TV chat show "Enough Rope". He has a very calm, open, inviting persona and is one of the best interviewers I know. Click on the picture to see him talk to Nigella Lawson.


Adam is probably the most recognisable Aussie comedian outside Oz. I love him to bits! ;-)
Click on the picture to sample his stand-up comedy. Note the different accents he uses.


Click on the picture to listen to Tim perform his song/poem "Mitsubishi Colt". Here you will find the lyrics. Once again pay attention to accents. Tim is quoting a conversation between two people and he uses accents to help to differenciate them.

And finally follow this link to watch and listen to Tim's wonderful spoof of "ecological anthems" that are so often associated with artist supporting PETA or "Live World". He has a gentle jab at how some musicians think too much of themselves and are too obsessed with creating their own artistic persona.

This clip is also a wonderful link to our second topic:

2. Endangered and Extinct Species.

Read about the factors that threaten Australian wildlife here.

Click the picture to browse around and learn about some species that are facing extinction.

And we are going to spend some time talking about the fate of this unfortunate litte fellow. Click on the picture to learn more.



As promised I'm uploading two new films.

Click on the pictures to go to my chomik account. The password is still the same: "AUSSIE"

Please remember about the terms and conditions of use!

Let's quote one of imdb.com users:

"Eric Bana has constructed an entertaining and enjoyable look at his personal love affair with his first car (a 1974 Ford GT Falcon Coupe), the first car he ever bought as a teenager. The documentary extends beyond just any old "Car Flick", to focus on why we all have our obsessions and hobbies and the roles they play in our lives. You don't have to be a rev head to enjoy this and thats the point, as an interesting study of obsession and an insight to the private life of one of Australias best loved actors, this is definitely worth a look."

My opinion? It is an absolutely endearing little film well worth your time! And after watching it I really want that car! ;-)


The second film today is a true classic!

If you have never seen it you're really missing much. I was genuinely surprised though that it is not available in DVD/video rental shops in our town... I guess we have to wait for its Blu-ray edition.

But in the meantime you can watch it in lower quality here.

And again let's hear from one of the fans:

"Mad Mad 2 (The Road Warrior) never fails to impress. A low budget masterpiece of film-making. The films gritty kinetic energy is done out on an open highway in an Australian Desert. A Future of no law...of no order...of pure survival amongst those who wish to keep humanity alive. The film is more advanced than it's predecessor, toning down on the words and focusing on the action. It also utilizes Mel Gibson's youthful heroic image without cliché. He is a wonderful hero and creation.

The film is a marvel to look upon at times with it's rapid cuts and car stunts. The actors all fit well into this world of chaos especially the little Feral boy and his boomerang. Sexual images emerge throughout and the homo erotic undertones lie very close to the subconscious.

The Antagonists and Protagonists play well off each other. Evil vs Good. The evil in this film is scary!!! A future after a Mass Destruction where Gasoline is Gold and Humanity is an endangered species.

One of my favorite films."

Mine too, can't remember how many times I've seen it. Most heartily recommended!



One of the things Aussies and Poles have in common is that we unite in the face of adversity.

Preparing for the classes this week you all watched a YouTube video made by Yakovich. Recently his daughter has been diagnosed with leukemia. Luckily she is winning her battle with this illness thanks to blood and bone marrow donors.

Now, I can't say I know them personally, or that Yak is a close friend of mine - we just exchanged a couple of messages on YouTube, that's it.
But I really like him and there is something I can do to help.

Probably most of you have already heard about the event initiated by students from WSB-NLU.
Click on the picture to read all details.

Spread the word about it, please! Take part if you want to (and are in a suitable health condition).


Standings translated into final marks ;-)

25 - 34 points = [3.0]
35 - 39 points = [3.5]
40 - 44 points = [4.0]
45 - 49 points = [4.5]
above 50 points = [5.0]

above 100 points = [5.5] and a plane ticket to Australia
(Well, not really but I'll think of something special) ;-)


Donata Topór
Dorota Szymusiak
Anna Szczepanek
Grzegorz Małojło

21 points (including today's bonus for "to be crook" ;-) )
5 BONUS points for Grzegorz's didgeridoo presentation

TOTAL: 26 points

Anna Franiak
Jolanta Szkaradek
Łukasz Trybus
Kuba Żak

TOTAL: 33 points

Olga Stolarczyk
Marcin Bieniek
Bogumił Górski
Łukasz Strzelczyk

TOTAL: 26.5 points

Judyta Dekier
Katarzyna Gryzło
Anna Homoncik
Izabela Stroka

TOTAL: 36 points



Tuesday topics - the letter "C" (part 2)

This week we are going to step aside from the chronological path for a moment in order to delve deeper into the Aussie soul.

We'll be talking about following topics:

1. customs

A very interesting (if somewhat ridiculous) read here: Department of Immigration and Citizenship ;-)
Drinking etiquette as described on my favourite website.

Click on the picture to see a really thought-provoking social commentary on The Australian Citizenship Test.

2. car fetishism

Aussies LOVE their cars. Watch the clips and try to work out which two cars have cult status in Australia.

car 1:
Road Warrior (1981)
Love the Beast (2009)

car 2:
Two Hands (1999)
[it's a very vague clue, pay attention to the first shot]

If you are still confused go here, type the title(s) in the search box, and then read "plot" and "trivia" sections.

***For movie buffs only***

The Cars That Ate Paris (1974) - a film from Peter Weir, the same director who later shot the cult classic Picnic at Hanging Rock, and such films as Dead Poets Society and recently Master and Commander.

3. cinema (industry and film festivals)

Australian Tropfest is the world's largest short film festival. Visit their official site, browse around, and find out some information about the rules and the venue. You can also watch some competition films. They are all under 7 minutes long, so it won't take you too long ;-)

The ones which I would recommend are: The Story of Bubble Boy and An Imaginary Life.

4. Canberra

(click on the picture)


Tuesday topics - the letter "C" (part 1)

No riddles and puzzles this time because you will have to do quite a lot of research for our next class.

We are going to be talking about:
- convicts: historical background, settlement, life conditions, pardons and famous prisoners
- convicts in popular culture: songs, stories, art
- the impact of convict past on Aussie mentality and national pride (concentrate on "social psychology" and "why?" in this article; we'll also touch upon the concept of "mateship")

A little something to get you started. Click on the picture to watch a very interesting clip.

(the Fremantle Prison flogging post)

- crocodiles (if we have time) ;-)

(click on the picture)



Here you will find a link to my chomikuj.pl account. I will be uploading films which we discuss as part of our Film Club, as well as ones which are topic-related but we simply will not have time to watch.

I'm doing this because most of them are not available in any form on the Polish market / DVD libraries.

Because of copyright issues I would like you all to observe certain rules, please!

1. The files will be stored on the account for up to two weeks after each Thursday Film Club meeting. I will remove them later.

2. Please if you don't have to, do not download the files on your computer. "Chomik" has a special integrated player which allows you to watch the films online.

3. I am aware that sometimes, for a number of reasons, you may need to download the files, but please remember that you should delete them from your drive within 24h.

4. You will find all the files in the folder called "Thursday Film Club". It is protected with the password "AUSSIE".


Films currently available:
1. Rabbit-Proof Fence
2. The Castle


FILM CLUB confirmation


11:30 (room 110)

Come to see this wonderful, touching tale about indigenous Australians and have a friendly chat afterwards.

Don't forget to bring some chocolate and wine gums so we can celebrate WOMBAT DAY properly! ;-)



Tuesday BBQ leftovers...

... or the things you didn't see on the small screen of my laptop ;-)

Click on the picture to learn more about the the Great Comet of 2007.

Do you remember the name of the state fish of New South Wales? The little blue fellow who changes its gender? Yes? No? Follow the link to read more. ;-)

And finally a hearty recommendation - click on the picture below to check out a really amazing website.

More will follow soon.

It seems we'll be able to grab room 110 for the Film Club on Thursday. I'll let you know when it is official.


22 October - Wombat Day

Well, I wasn't planning this but there is special "someone" reading this blog who forced me (almost at gunpoint) to post something about a WOMBAT ;-)

And "it can't have been a coincidence" that on October 22 Australians celebrate "Wombat Day". Click on the picture to read more.

If you want to make your own origami wombat to celebrate the day, here are the instructions:

Tuesday topics

As you all remember this week we're going to explore the letter "B".

Being the cruel and wicked person I am, I thought it'd be more interesting if I didn't give you a list of topics but just some hints on what you may expect on Tuesday ;-)

So here they go:

1. Watch and listen to this clip. If you want to check the lyrics just follow the link. You'll find some information about the artists here.

2. Click on the picture to find out more.

3. Solve the picture puzzle.
You need two words ( _ _ _ _ _ _ ) ( _ _ _ ). When you read them aloud you should guess the third topic.

(Hint 1: these two puzzle words begin with consecutive letters of the alphabet. Hint 2: the word you are looking for has a well known 3-letter abbreviation)

4. And you can read a little about our last two topics here.

Good luck! :-)


Comments update

I've changed the setting so now you all should be able to comment, not only registered users.

Aussie humour to warm this cold day ;-)

Apparently the following questions were posted on an Australian Tourism website and the answers are the actual responses from the website officials who obviously have a great sense of humour and a low tolerance threshold for cretins (as all Aussies do!)

Q: Does it ever get windy in Australia? I have never seen it rain on TV, how do the plants grow? (UK).
A: We import all plants fully grown and then just sit around watching them die.

Q: Will I be able to see kangaroos in the street? (USA)
A:Depends how much you've been drinking.

Q:I want to walk from Perth to Sydney - can I follow the railroad tracks? (Sweden)
A: Sure, it's only three thousand miles, take lots of water.

Q: Are there any ATMs (cash machines) in Australia? Can you send me a list of them in Brisbane, Cairns, Townsville and Hervey Bay? (UK)
A: What did your last slave die of?

Q:Can you give me some information about hippo racing in Australia ? (USA)
A: A-Fri-ca is the big triangle shaped continent south of Europe .
Aus-tra-lia is that big island in the middle of the Pacific which does not
... Oh forget it. Sure, the hippo racing is every Tuesday night in Kings Cross. Come naked.

Q:Which direction is North in Australia ? (USA)
A: Face south and then turn 180 degrees. Contact us when you get here and we'll send the rest of the directions.

Q: Can I bring cutlery into Australia ? (UK)
A:Why? Just use your fingers like we do...

Q:Can you send me the Vienna Boys' Choir schedule? (USA)
A: Aus-tri-a is that quaint little country bordering Ger-man-y, which is
Oh forget it. Sure, the Vienna Boys Choir plays every Tuesday night in Kings Cross, straight after the hippo races. Come naked.

Q: Can I wear high heels in Australia ? (UK)
A: You are a British politician, right?

Q:Are there supermarkets in Sydney and is milk available all year round? (Germany)
A: No, we are a peaceful civilization of vegan hunter/gatherers. Milk is illegal.

Q:Please send a list of all doctors in Australia who can Dispense rattlesnake serum. (USA)
A: Rattlesnakes live in A-meri-ca which is where YOU come from. All Australian snakes are perfectly harmless, can be safely handled and make good pets.

Q:I have a question about a famous animal in Australia , but I forget its name. It's a kind of bear and lives in trees. (USA)
A: It's called a Drop Bear. They are so called because they drop out of Gum trees and eat the brains of anyone walking underneath them. You can scare them off by spraying yourself with human urine before you go out walking.

Q:I have developed a new product that is the fountain of youth. Can you tell me where I can sell it in Australia? (USA)
A: Anywhere significant numbers of Americans gather.

Q:Do you celebrate Christmas in Australia ? (France)
A: Only at Christmas.

Q: Will I be able to speak English most places I go? (USA)
A: Yes, but you'll have to learn it first

And if someone is interested to learn more about Drop Bears just follow the link ;-)
(taken from: http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/)


A big THANK YOU :-)

... for coming PREPARED to the classes. Much appreciated!

Special words of thanks to Grzegorz for his brilliant didgeridoo presentation. Good on you mate!

Click on the pictures to listen to traditional didgeridoo music as well as a modern combo of traditional and present-day instruments.

Click here to see the clip I used today as introduction to our class. And make sure you read the info on the right. The Games is a famed spoof documentary, and as soon as I get the DVD we'll watch some clips in class.

Comedians and satirists John Clarke and Bryan Dawe (who both starred in The Games) are mostly known for their mock interviews in which Clarke takes on the persona of a politician and has to answer some difficult questions from Dawe. "The Front Fell Off" is one legendary interview from that pair.

Here you will find the actual "Sorry Speech" given by Kevin Rudd. You can compare the two and see which of them is more effective.

And finally go and see what Weta Digital is capable of. Start with their commercials (especially Snowball) and then go and explore their reels.