
P (part 3): Politics, the Queen and Poles

We still have a couple "P" topics to finish from previous class.

1. We're going to start with the POLITICAL SYSTEM.

Australia is a Federation as you know, but it is also a parliamentary democracy as well as a constitutional monarchy. Wait, what? Let's watch the videos below to better understand how the system works.

A short but comprehensive guide to the system can be found here: political system

2. As you can see The Queen of England is a part of the Australian political system. Click on the link to read how much (or little) power she really has in this country, and when her birthday is celebrated.

3. Finally read this cute comic to learn about the PREFERENTIAL VOTING SYSTEM. It provides an explanation why no vote goes to waste in Australia and why voting in an election is considered compulsory.

4. Famous Poles in Australia is our last topic today. One Polish person who we're going to zoom in especially is an established explorer of the Australian continent, count Paul Strzelecki

He is a truly fascinating person. In his many travels he managed to save over 200,000 people in Ireland during the Famine, supposedly discover gold in Australia and measure and name its highest mountain - Mount Kościuszko.

Below you'll find a fun activity I'd like you to do. Please read the text titled Strzelecki and the Zig Zags and make a note or mark on the map which countries he visited in his life.


Please complete this short QUIZ

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