
A: Aboriginal Australia

In the coming weeks we will be trying to make sense of Australia - what country it is now, and how it came to be this way.

But first we need to understand the complex interconnections between Aboriginal Australians, Convicts and Free Settlers. As you remember from our class, societies that developed in isolation were usually disadvantaged when finally the confrontation with foreigners happened. Do you remember why?

Watch the video below to revise the topic:

What kind of people were the Aborigines? We used parts of this presentation in class. Read the first half (Australians).

This presentation was originally written by IJO graduates Magdalena Waligóra and Marcin Piechnik, I just updated some content. The copyright belongs to them and the owners of visuals used in this presentation. All sources have been cited.

Follow up watching.

This is a long documentary but you do not need to watch all of it. Watch about 10 minutes to get a feel of what life was like in Australia at the time when Native Australians were still isolated from other societies.

Extra reading: Rottnest Island prison

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