
Aboriginal Australia - aftermath

Read more about kinship terms, moieties and skins HERE.

(click to enlarge)

Skin system (taken from: http://www.dia.wa.gov.au/en/Heritage-and-Culture/Aboriginal-culture/Lifestyles-and-traditions/Aboriginal-kinship/)

(click to enlarge)

Kinship terms (taken from: http://www.ausanthrop.net/research/kinship/kinship2.php)


And now try to complete your first quiz online. This one is  ungraded (doesn't count against your final score). You have to log on with the username and password I gave you in the class, and then on your student panel you'll see the quiz.


You will see: Untaken quizes, Started quizes and Expired quizes. Click on "Untaken". Another page will open and next to a quiz called "Welcome to the course quiz (ungraded)" you will have a take button. Click on it and you can answer the questions.

(click to enlarge)

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