
E (part 2): Entertainment and Environment

Here we go again with the letter "E".

1. Entertainment.

This is a topic we're going to be getting back to again and again. Australians have a distinct sense of humour which - although shares some features with British - mostly retains the flavours of Australia's humble beginnings and the Convict Code.

We'll start with a brief introduction to some of my favourite Aussie comedians and TV personalities.


Andrew is best known as the host of a TV chat show "Enough Rope" (sadly discontibued). He has a very calm, open, inviting persona and is one of the best interviewers I know. Click on the picture to see him talk to Cate Blanchett.


Adam is probably the most recognisable Aussie comedian outside Oz. I love him to bits! ;-)
Click on the picture to sample his stand-up comedy.


Click on the picture to listen to Tim perform his song/poem "Mitsubishi Colt". Here you will find the lyrics. Pay attention to accents. Tim is quoting a conversation between two people and he uses standard and broad Aussie accents to help to differenciate them.

And finally follow this link to watch and listen to Tim's wonderful spoof of "ecological anthems" that are so often associated with artist supporting PETA or "Live World". He has a gentle jab at how some musicians think too much of themselves and are too obsessed with creating their own artistic persona.

This clip is also a wonderful link to our second topic:

2. Endangered and Extinct Species.

Read about the factors that threaten Australian wildlife here.

Click the picture to browse around and learn about some species that are facing extinction.

And we are going to spend some time talking about the fate of this unfortunate little fellow. Click on the picture to learn more.

3. And finally a few words about (long distance) education.

This video unfortunatelly has a Danish commentary, but it still gives a wonderful insight into what The School of the Air is and how it operates. Have a look:

Here you can read about The School of the Air.

(Click on the picture to visit Alice Springs School of the Air website).

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