
Who's doing what

Please use the comments to let me know what you need in terms of statinery/equipment, and how the Artists can assist you.

GROUP A (Dot Painting):
1. Asia Młynarczyk
2. Paulina Bałuszyńska
3. Edyta Bodziony
4. Magda Waligóra
5. Małgosia Miśkowiec
6. Natalia Pych (cooking corner)
7. Anna Sędzik (cooking corner)

GROUP B (Animals):
1. Sylwia Kurkowska
2. Bartek Figiel
3. Ania Hajduga
4. Ania Moskała
5. Kamil Dunajewski
6. Natalia Owsianka
7. Karolina Kmak

GROUP C (Artists):
1. Paulina Mróz
2. Tomek Góra
3. Ewa Wiśniowska
4. Partycja Baran

For all the teachers here, a very interesting insight into First Nations' education - SEVEN SACRED TEACHINGS (opens as PDF).

I talked to Ms Stanisz today. She says there will be the standard Food Corner, as usual, but students who prepare presentations on Ireland will have their own mini "food table" in the classroom, so we can do the same and have our "cooking corner" separately.

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