
"If you're still around to think about it, you know you are OK."

I may be old fashioned and sentimental, but this is why I love Australian attitude to everything...

A BRISBANE soldier wounded while dragging an Afghan soldier to safety is being hailed a hero.
Father of two Private TJ Findlay who suffered minor abrasions and a mild concussion during an incident on Wednesday, is expected to make a full recovery as he rests at the Australian base at Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan.
The 21-year-old said he was about 10 meters from an Afghan National Army vehicle when it hit an improvised explosive device.
"I just got picked up and thrown back," he told reporters.
Amid the swirling dust, he saw the driver trying to climb out the truck window.
"You don't really think about it. You know that there's another person and that the car is on fire and you know there's stuff in the back," he said.
"He was falling in and out of consciousness. Next thing I know the ammunition in the back of the Ford Ranger started cooking off, popping, exploding and shooting out bits and pieces."
Private Findlay said recent events prepared him for the incident.
"We had been encountering IEDs for the last three days," he said.
"We had been finding every one of them. That one just caught us."
A modest Private Findlay said he does not consider himself a hero.
"I wouldn't really label it as a hero act or anything like that. Anyone seeing a car accident on the freeway would have done the same. It's just what you do," he said.
"If you're still around to think about it, you know you are OK."

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