

Hello everyone!

So you have successfully made it here. Well done! ;-)

Please check this space regularly - I will be adding tons of materials, clips, links and pictures related to the topics of our classes.

Also please feel free to comment and add your own recommendations. They are most welcome!

Happy exploring!

So, how does it work exactly?

Well, I DO hope you listened carefully in the class, but if someone is still a little confused here is the general idea again:

1. In each class we will be talking about an array of Australia-related topics, all of which will begin with a given letter of the alphabet.

2. You will know these topics in advance, so you'll be able to find out some information beforehand.

3. In class, first I'll give a short presentation with audio/video materials, and then will be asking you some very tricky questions.

4. You will have a chance to score points (marks) for giving me answers which are not only correct but also interesting.

Still confused?

Well, then watch this clip. It comes from "QI" - a gameshow hosted by the brilliant Stephen Fry [no, he isn't Australian but he can do a very convincing Aussie accent ;-) ]. Anyway, our classes will be based on the same format as QI. Is that clear now? ;-)

Which group am I in?

THIS WEEK you are in following groups --> see below. But since Ms Stanisz insists that we need to have at least 12 people in a group, I will have to do a little bit of shuffling.

GROUP A (Thursday)

1 Pancerz Bożena
2 Wójs Gabriela
3 Grzegorzek Sylwia
4 Gargas Joanna
5 Szwala Grzegorz
6 Schabińska Justyna
7 Zaręba Mirek
8 Potoczny Anna
9 Lisowicz Diana
10 Klimczak Dawid
11 Adamczyk Paulina
12 Gardoń Anna
13 Adamek Katarzyna
14 Koralik Anna
15 Bołoz Kinga
16 Damasiewicz Agnieszka
17 Citak Marta
18 Joniec Agnieszka
19 Strączek Alicja
20 Motyka Adam

GROUP B (Friday)

1 Kamieniarz Monika
2 Obrąbska Magda
3 Majka Paulina
4 Smajdor Katarzyna
5 Zwolennik Małgorzata
6 Owsianka Anna


  1. Hello!
    A little mistake: It's 'Szwala' Grzegorz :)
