
Some promotion - all in good cause ;-)

THOSE well-worn trans-Tasman cliches have been rolled out again for a new promotional video showing the New Zealand prime minister chatting with Shane Warne's alter ego.

John Key takes part in a comedy duo alongside Australian joker Peter Flaherty AKA "Shaun Wayne'' in a seven-minute clip designed to help market New Zealand's art deco capital Napier as a destination for Australians.

The clip shows a sweaty Shaun Wayne accidentally climb into the prime minister's car and, oblivious to who he's talking to, launch into why he's having a break in New Zealand.

"We've had these floods, these fires and then we got caned in the Ashes. Mate, that was embarrassing,'' he says.

Wayne then starts into spiel about the cricketer's actress girlfriend Liz Hurley, saying: "She's alright isn't she'', and adding that she's talented too.

Mr Key, who landed himself in hot water in February when he called Hurley "hot'', offered a tamer comment, calling her a "nice girl''.

Conversation moved onto Julia Gillard and, while Wayne had no idea who she was.

"Is she the chick that used to go out with Jacko?'' Wayne asks. "I love redheads.''

Moving into well-trodden territory, the prime minister then jokingly warns his new mate not to sign up for the unemployment benefit while he's visiting.

"Don't sign up for the benefit will you,'' Mr Key says.

"Australians, they do that. They're off the plane and straight to the Work and Income office signing up, getting a bit of holiday cash.''

"So it's like your version of Bondi,'' Wayne retorts.

The prime minister replies: "The difference of course is that the Kiwis never go home.''

The unscripted clip is being used to promote the North Island city of Napier which, having been devastated by a 1931 earthquake, was rebuilt in the art deco style popular at the time.

The city's mayor Barbara Arnott praised Flaherty's comic abilities, saying: "you have to be intelligent to play a dumb character that well''.

The council hopes the video will go viral on social networks, backing up a big tourism campaign in Australian media.


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