
Open Door Day - update

I'm not asking you to prepare anything for Friday because we'll need to spend the time getting things ready for the big day next week.

Can I ask you to leave the names of people responsible for each topic in the comments below, please?

Just to remind you here is the list:

1. Room 207 - food corner (1)(Aussie goodies and their history / cultural importance)
2. Room 210:
- didgeridoo corner (2) (listen & play, history and technology of making the instruments)
- Aboriginal astronomy corner (3) - I'm doing this ;-)
3. Room 209:
- convicts corner (4) ("a day from a convict's life"? or possibly famous convicts and daring escapes, make your own convict ancestry)
- dangerous animals corner (5) (learn & try to save your friends)

Below we have listed Australia's top ten dangerous creatures, of what we believe to be Australia's top ten dangerous animals.

1. The Box Jellyfish

2. Irukandji (A Jellyfish)

3. Salt Water Crocodile

4. Blue Ring Octopus

5. Stone Fish

6. Red Back Spider

7. Brown Snake

8. Tiger Snake

9. Great White Shark

10. Funnel Web Spider


4. Corridor - dot painting corner (6) (symbols and meaning, paint your face)

I would also love you to be ready with some ideas, questions that you would like the guests to answer, and a list of things you will need (tables, chairs, loudspeakers, spotlights, brown paper, duct tape, props etc.)


  1. 2. Room 210:
    - didgeridoo corner (2) (listen & play, history and technology of making the instruments)

    Tutaj Grzesiek i Justyna
    ... See More
    dla nas potrzebne:
    - "sztuczne ognisko"
    - taśma transparentna - just in case
    - 3 duże/wielkie czarne worki na śmieci do zaciemnienia okien
    - dymiarka (do sprawdzenia przed czy może być i czy nie przeszkadza - jak nie to skorzystamy i zrobimy mgłę)
    - przedłużacz się przyda "awaryjnie"

    Jak coś jeszcze wymyślę to dam znać.


  2. And a question to the "chair" :)

    Are you gonna to make a dress rehearsal for Culture Day, when?


  3. Judyta Deker, Katarzyna Gryzło, Izabela Stroka i Jolanta Szkaradek zgłaszają pełną gotowość do przygotowania food corner;)
