
The letter "R"

I'm terribly late with the updates, sorry. Just a few links to give you a crude idea what we'll be discussing tomorrow. As you can see we are revisiting some topics and adding a couple of new things.

More links will follow soon.

- religion

- The Rabbit Proof Fence (the history of introducing new species: sheep & rabbits)

- rocks and mountains

- rivers (Murray-Darling)

With this last topic I'm not that much interested in names, dates and details. Concentrate instead on the impact that radio has on the community in a country where many citizens live in very remote areas.

- radio & community radio & inventions
Radio Drama clip


Australian girl's jellyfish sting survival 'rewrites medical history'


A 10-year-old girl has stunned doctors in Australia after she survived being stung by the world's most venomous creature.

By Bonnie Malkin in Sydney
Published: 7:00AM BST 27 Apr 2010

Rachael Shardlow was swimming upstream from the ocean mouth of Queensland's Calliope River when she was stung on her legs by a box jellyfish.

Her 13-year old brother pulled her onto the shore and she told him that she could not see or breathe. Moments later she fell unconscious with the tentacles still wrapped around her limbs.

The venom of the box jellyfish is so overpoweringly painful that victims often go in to shock and drown or die of heart failure before reaching shore.

There is no effective antivenom for its sting, which attacks the heart, nervous system and skin, inducing shooting muscle pain, vomiting and a rapid rise in blood pressure.

But Rachael survived.

Jamie Seymour, Zoology and tropical ecology associate professor at James Cook University, said her recovery after such an extensive sting was unheard of.

"I don't know of anybody in the entire literature where we've studied this where someone has had such an extensive sting that has survived," he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

"When I first saw the pictures of the injuries I just went, 'you know to be honest, this kid should not be alive'. I mean they are horrific.

"Usually when you see people who have been stung by box jellyfish with that number of tentacle contacts on their body, it's usually in a morgue."

Rachael's father, Geoff Shardlow, said his daughter had suffered short-term memory loss and scarring, but was otherwise in good health.

"We've noticed a small amount of short-term memory loss, like riding a pushbike to school and forgetting she's taken a pushbike," he said.

"The greatest fear was actual brain damage [but] her cognitive skills and memory tests were all fine."

Scores of beaches in Queensland and the Northern Territory are closed each year due to box jellyfish, which are common in Australia's northeast waters during the wet season from October to April.

Some beaches are netted to prevent stings, but snorkellers on the Great Barrier Reef are also advised to wear protective full-body stinger suits.

The jellyfish have shells measuring 20cms long, with up to 15 tentacles trailing 3 metres behind.



On Thursday we are going to watch another retelling of Ned Kelly's story.

Rebellious teenager Ned Kelly (Heath Ledger) is wrongfully imprisoned for stealing a horse and, when he returns to the bosom of his large Irish family, finds that the police won't let him go straight. After being accused of a crime he didn't commit, Kelly is left with no option but to go on the run. Injustice, persecution and unlawful imprisonment are the meat of his story, all presented here with not too much of a rose-tinted perspective. Starring Orlando Bloom, Naomi Watts and Geoffrey Rush, the film was directed by Gregor Jordan (Two Hands) in 2003.

Trivia time: This film offers a rare chance to hear Heath Ledger speak with an Irish accent.

For geeks: A great clip with cast interviews.


The letter... ehm, it's a bit confusing ;-)

We still have a couple "P" topics to finish, so be prepared to talk about POETRY and POLITICAL SYSTEM, please. You will find links in last week's post.

Our new topics will include:

- the Queen of England (so as you see we are still staying in the realm of governing the country and the division of power)


- Queensland

Have a look at this video. This is just the firs
t random result I got from YouTube, I wasn't searching for it intentionally. And still it just makes you want to pack your things right away and head there ;-)

Queensland is sometimes referred to as the most beautiful state in Australia. And yet they feel the need to address advertisements to prospective tourists. Last year they launched the "Best Job in the World" action. Find out what it was all about.

Ben Southall wins the job:

We will also spend some time talking about Gold Coast and Surfers Paradise since they will play an important role in one of the films we have lined up for our Film Club.

Get some ideas from this video :-)


Tha Letter "P"

Some of my favourite topics among the ones beginning with the letter "P" so be prepared for a fair share of tricky questions ;-)

- Perth - there will be questions on certain details portrayed in these two clips, so watch carefully ;-) (backup)

- painters

Focus mostly on the body of work of Sidney Nolan.
(hint: read some of my recent posts)

- pearling industry (Broome, WA)

(click the picture to learn more about the ugly face of this industry in the past)

- poetry

- political system

- Poles in Australia



I received following message from Ms Bogacz last night:

Drodzy Państwo,
W związku z ogromną tragedią jaka wydarzyła się dziś rano w pobliżu Smoleńska i żałobą narodową, która będzie trwała przez tydzień, przekazuję decyzję Pani Dyrektor, dotyczącą zaplanowanego na najbliższą środę Dnia Kultury Języka. Zostanie on przesunięty na późniejszy termin - decyzja na kiedy zostanie podjęta na początku najbliższego tygodnia. Jeśli informowaliście nauczycieli albo uczniów o naszym Dniu Kultury Języka, to bardzo proszę o przekazanie im, że o nowym terminie Dnia Kultury poinformujemy wkrótce.


Open Door Day - update

I'm not asking you to prepare anything for Friday because we'll need to spend the time getting things ready for the big day next week.

Can I ask you to leave the names of people responsible for each topic in the comments below, please?

Just to remind you here is the list:

1. Room 207 - food corner (1)(Aussie goodies and their history / cultural importance)
2. Room 210:
- didgeridoo corner (2) (listen & play, history and technology of making the instruments)
- Aboriginal astronomy corner (3) - I'm doing this ;-)
3. Room 209:
- convicts corner (4) ("a day from a convict's life"? or possibly famous convicts and daring escapes, make your own convict ancestry)
- dangerous animals corner (5) (learn & try to save your friends)

Below we have listed Australia's top ten dangerous creatures, of what we believe to be Australia's top ten dangerous animals.

1. The Box Jellyfish

2. Irukandji (A Jellyfish)

3. Salt Water Crocodile

4. Blue Ring Octopus

5. Stone Fish

6. Red Back Spider

7. Brown Snake

8. Tiger Snake

9. Great White Shark

10. Funnel Web Spider


4. Corridor - dot painting corner (6) (symbols and meaning, paint your face)

I would also love you to be ready with some ideas, questions that you would like the guests to answer, and a list of things you will need (tables, chairs, loudspeakers, spotlights, brown paper, duct tape, props etc.)



Happy time with your loved ones!

(and if you want to know what the pic is all about, just click it ;-) )