
P & Q: Politics & the Queen. Poets and Queensland.

We still have a couple "P" topics to finish from previous class. And one new one: POLITICAL SYSTEM.

1. political system

Our new topics will include:

2. The Queen of England (so as you see we are still staying in the realm of governing the country and the division of power)



3. Queensland
Have a look at this video. This is just the first random result I got from YouTube, I wasn't searching for it intentionally. And still it just makes you want to pack your things right away and head there ;-)

Queensland is sometimes referred to as the most beautiful state in Australia. And yet they feel the need to address advertisements to prospective tourists. In 2009 they launched the "Best Job in the World" action. Find out what it was all about and what campaigns are running now - maybe you'll get to spend some time in Oz yourself ;-)

We will also spend some time talking about Gold Coast and Surfers Paradise.

Get some ideas from this video :-)

What about POETRY? Don't worry. I'll handle that ;)


P: Perth, Painters, Pearls and Poles

1. Perth is my favourite city in Oz so please make sure you are prepared for some pretty tricky questions ;-)

2. painters

Focus mostly on the body of work of Sidney Nolan.
(hint: think of one of the topics we covered in our last class)

pearling industry (Broome, WA)

(CLICK to learn more about Aboriginal Australians and their relation to pearls)

Japanese divers (for buffs only)

4. Poles in Australia



N & O: Outlaws: Ned Kelly and Ben Hall, Outback and Oscars

Today we'll be dealing with some really heavy topics.

The bulk of our time will have to be devoted to famous OUTLAWS. Australia sports names of many brave men who chose to stand against their opressors, but the two who are the most important, and have become part of Aussie culture and mentality, are Ned Kelly and Ben Hall.

Ned Kelly (a Sydney Nolan's painting)
Ned Kelly Skull doco
Jerilderie Letter

Ben Hall



And now something for film buffs among you (you are all encouraged to read/watch these materials, but there will be no questions on this part).

Since bushrangers chose OUTBACK as their real home, we'll also have a closer look at just how it is portrayed in modern culture.

I have already introduced you to the acclaimed documentary Not Quite Hollywood. Among films which are discussed there, are such golden nuggets of Aussie cinema as Razorback and The Long Weekend. While they are in no means of any (or almost any) artistic merit, they offer a surprisingly insightful description of "the red centre."

If we have time, we'll celebrate Australian OSCAR winners and nominees.


Here is your next Fun Facts QUIZ we'll be doing in class.
