
ANZAC Day 2015 - centenary of Gallipoli landing

This week we'll have a slightly different class. Please read/watch the materials below:

World War I (the "Great War")

Australian were sent to both Eastern and Western fronts.

Read this general introduction first.

Click the picture below to enter a great interactive website that will help you learn the story behind the tragic Battle of Gallipoli. As you remember it was a turning point in Australian history and an abrupt change in Australia/Britain relations. It gave rise to a strong sense of Aussie identity and resulted in development of "broad" Aussie accent.


Western Front and the controversy of "voluntary" enlisting - click here.


P (part 2): Politics & Q: Queen and Queensland

We still have a couple "P" topics to finish from previous class. And one new one: POLITICAL SYSTEM.

1. political system

Our new topics will include:

2. The Queen of England (so as you see we are still staying in the realm of governing the country and the division of power)



3. Queensland
Have a look at this video. This is just the first random result I got from YouTube, I wasn't searching for it intentionally. And still it just makes you want to pack your things right away and head there ;-)

Queensland is sometimes referred to as the most beautiful state in Australia. And yet they feel the need to address advertisements to prospective tourists. In 2009 they launched the "Best Job in the World" action. Find out what it was all about and what campaigns are running now - maybe you'll get to spend some time in Oz yourself ;-)

We will also spend some time talking about Gold Coast and Surfers Paradise.

Get some ideas from this video :-)


P: Perth, Pearls and Poles

1. Perth is my favourite city in Oz so please make sure you are prepared for some pretty tricky questions ;-)

2. painters

Focus mostly on the body of work of Sidney Nolan.
(hint: think of one of the topics we covered in our last class)

pearling industry (Broome, WA)

(click the picture to learn more about the ugly face of this industry in the past)

Japanese divers (for buffs only)

4. Poles in Australia
