
Christmas in Australia

More will come so watch this space, but we can start with this nostalgic clip ;)

p.s. As agreed I'm doing all presentations tomorrow. You can relax for once ;)

G: Gold Rush (some details for those who are interested in the topic)

From the australia.gov.au website:

The gold rushes of the nineteenth century and the lives of those who worked the goldfields - known as 'diggers' - are etched into our national folklore.

There is no doubt that the gold rushes had a huge effect on the Australian economy and our development as a nation. It is also true to say that those heady times had a profound impact on the national psyche.

The camaraderie and 'mateship' that developed between diggers on the goldfields is still integral to how we - and others - perceive ourselves as Australians. The diggers' defiance and open disdain of authority during this time is still a dominant theme in any discussion of our history and national identity.

Indeed, mateship and defiance of authority have been central to the way our history has been told. Look at Australia's World War I 'diggers' (named after their goldfield predecessors) at Gallipoli and how they have been portrayed: mates in the trenches with a healthy disrespect for their 'English superiors'.

Even today, nothing evokes more widespread national pride than groups of irreverent Aussie 'blokes' beating the English at cricket, or any other sport for that matter!

It is this early flowering of a national identity that makes any study of the gold rush days so intriguing. It is also true to say that the idealisation of goldfield life excludes or overlooks the squalor, greed, crime, self-interest and racism that were part and parcel of the times.

Watch a video about Eureka Stockade - the only revolution ever in Australia.

Still want more details? Click here.


The Great Barrier Reef in danger

My Aussie friends have asked me to spread the word, so please consider signing this petition:


Of course it's totally voluntary. 


G: Gold Rush and Great Depression

And we're back to Australian history. Two vital events this week. We'll spend around 20 minutes talking about gold discovery and its consequences (my presentation) and then we'll move on to some practical tasks connected with the Great Depression. Read and watch the materials below.

The Great Depression

Visit our trusted Australian Screen website to watch some clips taken from a TV documentary "Bread and Dripping". Read teacher's notes to get a broader context.

Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

Have fun and good luck in the class :)

F: follow-up

A water sprout and a fire twister - only down under :)

Homework: "road signs"

Include the most important information, preferably using visuals rather than text.

You can follow these links to create some warning signs online (and print them out later)

1) Safety Sign Generator.
2) Sign Generator Widgets

Simple picture editing tools - free online apps.





Have fun with it! :)


For the class in two weeks  I want each team to choose one of the topics below, and prepare a short presentation (up to 8 minutes). Please let me know which topic you're choosing in the comments.



GENERAL GEOGRAPHY - Zebra Finch + Magpies


useful links:
Geography 1
Geography 2