
The letter "M"


Because of the recent changes to the timetable, we'll make some alteration to the division into Thursday and Friday group.

On paper it's:
teachers - Thursday
all translator groups - Friday

But Ms Stanisz agreed that these 6 people who had to wait for the classes on Friday last semester, can attend the Thursday group as "compensation" for the inconvenience they had to endure.

So, in practice it means:

Thursday: teachers and translation group 2
Friday: tanslation groups 1 and 3


OK, now let's go back to discussing all things Australian, shall we? ;)

Let's begin with a sightseeing round in Melbourne. Watch the clip below, and if you want to learn more follow this link: slideshow

Our second topic is marsupials.


(more marsupial humour here - Mark Parisi site :-) )

For general information go to Australian Wildlife website, and then have a look at this clip:

The last topic that you may expect some questions on is mateship and larrikinism. Once again we'll be trying to define "Aussie soul". I'm more interested in general attitude than dates and names ;-)



New semester

Hi guys!

I'm having real trouble dividing you into teams for this semester. Ms Stanisz insists that the groups are more or less equal in size, but at the same time I don't want to generate any time when you have to wait for classes.

So far it breaks down like this:

Teacher groups can ONLY have the class on Thursday (on Friday they have other subjects). So all 11 of you will join the Thursday group.

Then Translator group T1 CAN'T have a class on Thursday because they would have to wait over an hour for their next class. So let's write the 5 of you down for Friday, ok?

And that leaves us with translator groups T2 and T3. Guys, I'm terribly sorry, but I can't have you all on Thursday. My suggestion is that the 4 of you from group T3 join the teachers on Thursday (you have a long hellish day anyway, so let's not make it any worse, eh?), while the 6 of you from T2 join T1 on Friday.

Sounds like a deal?

Please leave your comments below.