
Dzień Kultury Języka

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N & O: Outlaws: Ned Kelly and Ben Hall, Outback and Oscars

Today we'll be dealing with some really heavy topics.

The bulk of our time will have to be devoted to famous OUTLAWS. Australia sports names of many brave men who chose to stand against their opressors, but the two who are the most important, and have become part of Aussie culture and mentality, are Ned Kelly and Ben Hall.

Ned Kelly (a Sydney Nolan's painting)
Ned Kelly Skull doco
Jerilderie Letter

Ben Hall



And now something for film buffs among you (you are all encouraged to read/watch these materials, but there will be no questions on this part).

Since bushrangers chose OUTBACK as their real home, we'll also have a closer look at just how it is portrayed in modern culture.

I have already introduced you to the acclaimed documentary Not Quite Hollywood. Among films which are discussed there, are such golden nuggets of Aussie cinema as Razorback and The Long Weekend. While they are in no means of any (or almost any) artistic merit, they offer a surprisingly insightful description of "the red centre."

If we have time, we'll celebrate Australian OSCAR winners and nominees.


Here is your next Fun Facts QUIZ we'll be doing in class.



M: Maori, monotremes and marsupials

This week we'll be bouncing between not only two countries but in fact two continents.


These are the videos we watched in class:

Finally, let's learn a little bit about monotremes from this cute video:

L: language - cont

L: Aussie Lingo

I was a little hestitant to post this video, but... we celebrate the Australian language in all its richness.


OK, back to serious topics. We'll be watching part of a documentary from which you will learn about: BROAD, GENERAL and CULTIVATED accents and where they came from.

Some reading if you are interested in exploring more.

Australian slang - how language was shaped by various historical events

History of accent change - a very useful interactive timeline

More in-depth analysis of the differences between Australian, British and American - vowel quality change, word formation etc.

