
DKJ 2014

As you remember (hopefully ;) ) tomorrow we take a break from our regular classes to plan the Open Days.

Please make sure that everybody is present because we will have to assign each of you a certain role to play, and I want to make sure we all know what to do in the coming week.

Also please bring in all the presentations/posters/whatsnots to class so we can see what we have ready and what stilll needs to be done.

See ya in class :)


Slight change of plans.

The Internet is playing up today and I'm having trouble finishing the "T" task for tomorrow. So if it's not ready, we'll have Aboriginal Astronomy and Waltzing Matilda instead.

In any case, you don't really have to do any reading for tomorrow.

Instead I'd like you to think about Infographics you might need for Open Day presentations. Students from my other electable class "E-media" will prepare them for you, but they need to know the topics.


Letter S (part 2) - Symbols and Steve the Crocodile Hunter Guy

1. Australian Symbols

Begin with some serious reading here.

And then visit my beloved site for a less "purist" take on Aussie symbols ;-)
(click the pic below)


2. In the second part of the class we are going to celebrate the life and heritage of Steve Irwin, or as we came to know him better - The Crocodile Hunter.

How could you just not love this guy? ;-)

First part of a great interview. You'll find part 2 and 3 on You Tube.

3. (if we have time) Live, Universe and Everything
That's mostly Aboriginal Astronomy. I'll show you a presentation I prepared for Open Days three years ago. You don't need to read anything.