
The letter "M"


Let's begin with a sightseeing round in Melbourne. Watch the clip below, and if you want to learn more follow these two links: slideshow & text

Our second topic is marsupials.


(more marsupial humour here - Mark Parisi site :-) )

For general information go to Australian Wildlife website, and then have a look at this clip:

The last topic that you may expect some questions on is mateship and larrikinism. Once again we'll be trying to define "Aussie soul". I'm more interested in general attitude than dates and names ;-)



Welcome to the new semester!

A couple of announcements.

1. Our classes are planned for Fridays, 2 - 2:45 pm.

2. I know that some of you would like to have the classes earlier and it is possible to move them to 8 - 8:45 am, same day (providing we find available classroom).

But that would also mean that six of you would have to wait for your next class for 45 minutes.

Please let me know if you want to change the times, or we should be sticking to the original plan.

3. New topics should appear here tomorrow, so please make sure you check this space soon :-)
